
Project Framework

As a social enterprise and with the support of Dr. Ashok Das and his team at Sun Moksha, their time-tested framework and strategy supports SBI’s engagement with local communities.


Source: Sun Moksha


This strategic approach, guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, was designed and developed as a Theory of Change by Sun Moksha and applied to our project plans and framework development.

Adapted from Theory of Change – Sun Moksha6


A proven and successful process that respects indigenous communities, the project framework accounts for:

  • Attention to and acknowledgement of traditional knowledge bearers and stewards of natural capital.
  • Diversity of thought and perspectives on valuation methodologies while employing best practices.
  • Benefit sharing models of the proceeds to enable long-term sustainability of systems and infrastructure development, implementation, and monitoring.

Further guided by the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration – Principles of Restoration, Standard Blue is committed to best practices that aggregate into five components: assessment, planning and design, implementation, sustained management, and long-term monitoring/evaluation.



Source:  World Bank and UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: SCALING UP ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION FINANCE7

Improve livelihoods of beneficiary communities

Capitalize on the financial flows from the voluntary carbon market